Friday, February 28, 2014

7:08 PM Thoughts

Finally, some pictures of the babies! Some of you may be wondering why I haven’t posted any, so I am sorry for the delay (the days fly by). Although I would love to show their sweet, smiling faces, for the safety of the babies I am not allowed. However, in the future I plan on posting more photos like this which I can’t wait to show you!

Last week I went to Winterton (I hope to blog about that soon) for three days. The day after I got back, I dragged myself out of bed, made breakfast, and headed upstairs to start the morning’s routine. I walked into the babies’ bedroom to get them ready for the day and was greeted by a squealing, 3 toothed baby, standing in his crib, arms outstretched. That welcome was all I needed to wake me up and remind me of how much I love being home here.

I underestimated how amazing it would be to see the babies change. Suddenly baby A is sitting strong, wasn’t she just learning last week? Baby B is starting cereal today, when it seems like he just learned to hold his bottle. The older ones are almost walking, the smaller ones are rolling over. Time is slipping through our fingers.

We’ve begun to use DoTerra oils on the babies and I’ve seen amazing results already from the lavender especially. Even the fussiest babies will settle down after applying a drop to the soles of their feet. It's been fascinating to learn about this natural medicine and the biblical significance behind it. I enjoy watching it “work” on babies because they can’t psychologically trick themselves into believing they feel better after applying a drop (even we can do that with ibuprofen or oils). The outcome is totally authentic.

I'm off to do some writing and play games with the girls. Tomorrow, the elephant sanctuary. (!)


  1. Even though their faces aren't in the picture, they're adorable!!!! Miss you, and praying for you! <3

  2. I love their beautiful, rich skin.
